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Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google, and others use a variety of Fonts and Colors!

Writer's picture: Sharon ArenaSharon Arena

It's really useful to understand the various fonts and colors that social networks use so that we may include them into our designs. Every time we create an app or website, we "Google" it. (For instance, "Facebook blue," "Facebook hex value," "What color does Facebook use?" etc.)

In fact, I bet you discovered this post that way!

I promise not to keep you waiting any longer. Let's examine the typefaces and colors used by Facebook's Messenger, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook itself, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Snapchat, and Google/YouTube, before moving on to the other social media platforms.

Let's Get To The Good Stuff!

The typefaces and colors used by social networks including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and others have been changed in this page in 2022. We also included the rapidly expanding emerging platforms Discord, TikTok, and Twitch.

What typeface is being used by [...]?

A quick reminder: Unless otherwise mentioned, system typefaces (i.e., system-ui in CSS) are the norm. This implies, for each medium:

  • Roboto for Android

  • Segoe UI for Windows

  • San Francisco for iOS/macOS

Roboto is also used in Material design, which is used in Google products like YouTube. The real Google logo, however, makes use of the company's own Product Sans typeface (and this applies to the Alphabet logo too).

Facebook Messenger

Messenger Color Values

  • Messenger hex value: #0084FF

  • Messenger RGB value: rgb (0 132 255)

Messenger Fonts

  • Messenger on macOS uses Helvetica Neue instead of San Francisco, but everything else follows the system default.


Instagram Color Values

  • Instagram hex value: #E1306C

  • Instagram RGB value: rgb (225 48 108)

Although the color value stated above is the one used in their own examples, Instagram employs a variety of hues in their branding.


WhatsApp Color Values

  • WhatsApp hex value: #25D366

  • WhatsApp RGB value: rgb (37 211 102)


Facebook Color Values

  • Facebook hex value: #1877F2

  • Facebook RGB value: rgb (24 119 242)


Twitter Color Values

  • Twitter hex value: #1DA1F2

  • Twitter RGB value: rgb (29 161 242)


Pinterest Color Values

  • Pinterest hex value: #E60023

  • Pinterest RGB value: rgb (230 0 35)

Pinterest Fonts

  • Pinterest uses Helvetica/Neue Haas Grotesk for their website, but the default system font for everything else.


LinkedIn Color Values

LinkedIn Fonts

  • LinkedIn uses: Sans-Serif on their website, which means Helvetica first/Arial second/system default otherwise.


Snapchat Color Values

Snapchat Fonts

  • Standing out from the herd, Snapchat uses the Graphik font!


The Material Design system is used by Android, Google, and Google-owned applications like YouTube, and it makes use of a number of colors and the Roboto font as well.

YouTube Color Values


Google Blue Color Value

Google Red Color Value

Google Yellow Color Value

Google Green Color Value

Alphabet Red Color Value

  • Alphabet is the company that owns Google.

  • Hex: #ED1C24

  • RGB: rgb(52 168 83)


On top of their basic black logomark (#000000), they add:

TikTok Red Color Value

TikTok Blue Color Value


Fun fact: Discord’s visually distinctive blend of blue and purple is actually referred to as ‘Blurple’. They have a comprehensive branding guidelines document but if you just need the Logomark and color, you’re most welcome:

Discord ‘Blurple’ Color Value


Twitch has an excellent downloadable branding kit, although you do need to to work through their very twitchy branding introduction first. This extruded version is their default logo.

Twitch Purple Color Value


Salty Red Dog Marketing, LLC is a marketing agency in Red Bank, NJ, Westport, CT, and everywhere in between. We service businesses with marketing strategies, digital marketing, social media, and consultations.

Phone: NJ: (732) 783-4822 // CT: (203) 429-9671


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